Tuesday 2 August 2016

Find the reunion page on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Nantwich-and-Acton-Grammar-School-Reunion-1776696995936850/

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Colour Photo

Thanks to Janet here is a colour version of the 6th form photo, so much easier to recognise the faces.

Friday 3 June 2016

80 Members on Facebook Group NAGS71, and old photos

HOUSE count so far: Wilbraham 22
Thrush 19
Kent 14 Hodgkin 12
Malbank 7
other 6
(Deceased 6) 

Members have also been finding and posting their old official school photos and all our hair seems to have faded to auburn...!!
But, it's great to see that some are still instantly recogniseable :)

Hoping to find more ex-classmates for the reunion in September, please put the word around - thanks, Sharon

Sunday 29 May 2016

Next catchup for drinks

Saturday June 25th 8pm

 at the Red Lion at 29 Welsh Row, Nantwich

 followed by the Cheshire Cat for those who wish 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Tour of the School Saturday May 28th

Here are a few of the photos that were taken on Saturday, hopefully they will bring back some happy memories. 


Saturday 14 May 2016

REUNIONS planned

Saturday morning May 28th 2016

A tour of the school, see our old registers plus anything else that Mark can find! 
Buffet lunch, free tea and coffee.
Contact me for further details via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Weekend of 9-11 September 2016

* Partners most welcome *

Beginning on Friday evening with a 70's disco at Willington Hall, Tarporley.
Contact me for further details via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

*** You are welcome to comment on any posts and say hi!! :D

Sunday 24 April 2016

Letter to Crewe and Nantwich Chronicle

It will be 40 years this year since the year that started Nantwich and Acton Grammar School in 1971 in 3rd form went their separate ways.
Some to venture into the wide world of employment and some to continue their studies into the 6th form.

With the advent of Facebook becoming an integral part of many of our lives we have been able to trace and reunite 73 living members in an online Facebook group called NAGS71 in only 2 months.
Out of around 190 students that we can remember we know of 6 deceased and about 10 that don’t “do” Facebook.
We are anxious to locate the other 100 or so members of our year for a grand reunion planned for September, and also a visit to the now named Malbank School on May 28th.

Please can you help?
Sharon Bunter was Attwell (Wilbraham ‘71-‘78)
Perth, Western Australia

Saturday 26 March 2016

Mini Reunion Photos 5th and 18th March

The first reunion was at the Crown in Nantwich at 1pm on Saturday 5th March, and the second on Friday 18th March 8pm at the Cheshire Cat in Nantwich.

 Paul, Helen, Gill, Caroline, Jeanette

 Judith, Julie (turned away), Tony, Janice

 Judith, Sharon, Debbie, Jeanette, Julie, Carol, Paul, Gill, Amanda, Amanda, Penny, Janice, Tony, and Julie (not in order)

 Chris, Paul, Jeanette, Liz

 Helen, Pete, Tony, Jeanette

 Sharon, Judith, Elaine, Jill, Helen, Pete, Tony, Jeanette, Paul, Liz


This blog is set up as a supplementary page to the Facebook group NAGS71 for those that do not "do" Facebook.

For those that do, here is the link come and join us if you were part of our year


So "OUR YEAR" was the year that started 3rd form in 1971 and finished with upper 5th in 1976 or upper 6th in 1978.

Currently we have 70 members on facebook, we have traced around 20 more, plus we know of 6 deceased.

The Facebook group NAGS71 started at the end of February in order to facilitate sharing of memories and photos and organise reunions.

We have just had a couple of mini reunions on the 5th March (18 attended) and 18th March (15 attended).

A visit to the school is currently being organised for May 28th and a grand reunion sometime this Summer (for those in the UK).

We are currently trying to compile class lists and to contact as many ex-pupils as possible.

If you wish to be added to our mailing list please contact me (Sharon Bunter was Attwell in Wilbraham).